
Sunday, August 18, 2013

August Ipsy Glam Bag

Let's talk Ipppssyyyy!!  This is my favorite month yet!  Amazing stuff in here guys.  For the bag itself, it's cute and a good size but the print seems a little cheap.  Whatevs, because I'll still put it to good use.   
Michael Todd Jojoba Charcoal Facial Scrub: I was really excited to see this because I've been hearing a  lot about Michael Todd products for awhile and I've contemplated trying some.  I think it's only available online (?) so that's probably what's stopped me from getting anything so far.  However, I tried this scrub the first night I got my Ipsy bag and it was fantastic.  Don't be alarmed because it looks like black tar, it's actually really great.  My skin felt baby soft afterwards and it didn't give me any irritation.  Normal price is $18 which is more than I'd usually spend on a scrub but I might consider it.   
Noya Cherry Lip Balm: A girl can never have too much lip balm so I wasmpleased to see this.  I've tried it a few times and it applies easy, it's smooth and creamy, not too greasy and smells yummy.  I've never spotted this brand in stores so I don't know if I would specifically seek it out or order it online when so many other options are available but it seems like a great product if you happen to spot one in a store.  
Pixi Lash Booster Mascara: It's no secret that I have a thing for mascara.  I'm always on the lookup for my new favorite.  This ain't it though.  From what I can find, this retails for $17 and it's really nothing special at all.  Considering most drugstore mascaras are $9 or under, there's just no way I'd ever see myself purchasing this.  It was decent and I didn't particularly dislike it but for $17 I need to be wowed.  Wowed I was not.      
Pacifica Alight Multi Mineral BB Cream: If I'm being honest, I gave up on BB Creams mostly.  I just really couldn't figure out how they fit into my routine.  I tend to go one of two ways: either I want a full-face look so I use foundation or in every day life I'll just use concealer where necessary.  So BB Cream never really felt like a necessity.  I don't really think this BB Cream will change my mind at all.  It's not bad by any means, but it's got a very definite sheen to it that I think would look sort of funny if you wore it all over your face.  You'd probably look like you were in the Cullen family.  However, it's actually quite pretty and I think it would make a beautiful highlighter or even a liquid-y eye shadow.  

Chella Dazzling Brow Pencil:  I'm probably the least qualified person to review a brow pencil because I've never actually used one.  I have a pretty strong brow au naturale so I only fill it in with shadow (sometimes) and my trusty Maybelline Clear Mascara.  My focus is usually around taming my brows, not "styling" them.  However, from what I've tried, this seems great and I've enjoyed the other Chella product I've used in the past.  
Urban Decay Moon Dust in Diamond Dog:  Holy crap I practically kissed the package when I saw it.  So so pretty!  This stuff is so heavily pigmented with the finest glitter in the best way possible.  It's not the "I shop for makeup at Hot Topic" kind of glitter.  It's like microscopic dense glitter with a wash of brown.  I'm already obsessed.  I know glitter isn't for everyone but it's VERY much for me.  Plus, on the real, this stuff retails for $20!  Ipsy is seriously the best.  

If you're interested in giving Ipsy a try, click HERE. (<< that's my refer a friend link! If you sign up, they might give me extra goodies in my bag to write about!)

What did you guys think of August's Ipsy Glam Bag?  


  1. I'm trying so hard to get that UD eyeshadow they are all so pretty.
