
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Throwback Thursday

I'm the one in red. 

1.  First day of school!  Kindergarten to be exact.  Thought it seemed timely.  You can always rely on my for quality content.  

2.  Check out my white patent leather shoes and my frilly socks.  If I have a little girl someday you better believe she'll be born wearing adorable tiny saddle shoes or something.  There's nothing cuter than a tiny pair of shoes.    

3.  Like pretty much everyone in the world, I absolutely LOVED shopping for school supplies.  It was one of the best days of the year.  Picking out a backpack was arguably the very best part (a close second was picking out markers.  No, crayons!  No, folders!) I think I could still describe every backpack I've ever owned and what year I owned it.  I couldn't tell you what the ending of the book I read last was but I could describe my pink and aqua blue backpack from 5th grade.  

4.  That high half ponytail was my go-to hairstyle for most of kindergarten.  I don't have the guts to pull that off now.  

5.  A cap sleeve always suited me well.  

6.  Bangs forever and ever.  And ever.    

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