
Monday, July 29, 2013

Tin Roof Frozen Mousse

I am entering this Tin Roof Frozen Mousse in the Creative Recipe Contest hosted by Confessions of a Cookbook Queen and Cookies and Cups!
Oh boy, have I stumbled upon something great here.  Do not be deceived.  This isn't actually ice cream.  That's why I just made up the name "frozen mousse."  But it's really not even mousse.  I'm just a liar.   Are we still friends?   
No ?  Ok, more frozen mousse for me.  So about this here mousse- it's not exactly ice cream-y.  There's something detecably un-ice cream-y about it.  But in a delicious rich and creamy and thick way.  I'd say it's slightly denser than ice cream and it melts different.  Have I confused you yet?  

Perhaps the best part about this whole made-up frozen mousse business is that there's no machine required.  I don't own an ice cream maker so I usually pout like a child when I see an ice cream recipe I love but I can't make.  But this frozen mousse discovery (which was totally accidental, btw) opens up so many doors!  It's completely adaptable depending on your tastes!  Think of the power you hold (not much)!

Speaking of adaptable, the whole inspiration for this recipe were these Tin Roof Bars as part of Cookies and Cups and Confessions of a Cookbook Queen's Creative Recipe Challenge.  I entered their contest around Christmas and I can't remember/"chose to forget" that I lost.  NEVER AGAIN.  I shall emerge victor or give up blogging forever!!!  Or maybe just drown my sorrows in some frozen mousse.

Here's the recipe!  

Tin Roof Frozen Mousse

9 oz dark chocolate (I used chips) 
1/4 cup hot water 
3 cups mini marshmallows plus 1 cup 
1 cup chocolate covered peanuts 
4 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 cup heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1.  In a medium saucepan, combine chocolate, water, 3 cups of the mini marshmallows and butter.  Over medium heat, cook gently until everything is melted, smooth, and combined, stirring occasionally.  Remove from heat.  Allow to cool completely (I placed mine in the fridge and stirred every few minutes to speed up the cooling). 
2.  In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a whisk attachment or using a hand mixer, beat the heavy cream until thick and fluffy.  Fold in vanilla extract.  
3.  Take 1/3 of the whipped cream and gently fold it into the cooled chocolate mixture.  Repeat 2 more times with the remaining whipped cream, being careful to fold gently and retain the whipped cream's volume.  Fold in remaining marshmallows and chocolate covered peanuts.  
4.  In a freezer safe container, freeze for 4-6 hours or overnight.  Scoop and serve!  


  1. Oh my gosh, this looks amazing!! So so creative!!

  2.'re hilarious! And you have me simultaneously confused and completely intrigued about the texture of this stuff. It looks absolutely delicious! Good luck to you! If I don't win, I'm totally going to need a bowl (or 5) of this to drown my sorrows in. ;-)

    1. Ha! Thanks Becky! I try to confuse readers as much as possible. Success! :)

  3. Yeah, this just about perfect!! I need to try this!
