
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Easy Blueberry Sauce

Y'all.  This blueberry sauce changes things.  It changes things and stuff.  

For some reason I sort of filed away sauces as something that were complicated.  I sort of glazed over recipes that involved sauces because I felt like I couldn't be bothered with it.  Why would I ever think that?!  TELL ME WHY.

This stuff truly is easy.  It requires almost no thought.  Well, at least a little thought.  Let's say minimal thought.  And it's done in mere minutes.  

And then you're just a person with some amazing homemade blueberry sauce at your finger tips to do with what you will.  How can I be trusted with this power?  

I cannot.  I slathered this sauce on all the things.  All.the.things.  Then I baked with it (recipe to come!).  Just think about the possibilities here.  Add it to plain yogurt, vanilla ice cream, cheesecake, cottage cheese, toast, pancakes, french toast, and other stuff and things.

My one hesitation with this sauce is that I was worried it would be TOO sweet.  Cloyingly sweet, if you will.  But the lemon really adds a tart punch.  It provides  balance and a final note of citrus.  Look at me, talking about "notes of citrus" like I even know what that means.  

I've already used this sauce twice in other recipes and I plan to attempt a raspberry and blackberry adaptation too.  I'm totally not obsessed though! I just eat it off a spoon like a normal person.  Ok I'll stop talking now.

Here's the recipe!

Easy Blueberry Sauce

2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
1/2 cup water
juice of one lemon
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons white sugar
3 tablespoons corn starch dissolved in 1/4 cup of water
1 tablespoon lemon zest

1.  Add blueberries, lemon juice, water and sugar to a small saucepan.  Cook slowly on medium heat and stir gently until boiling.  
2.  Add cornstarch/water mixture and stir gently, being careful not to smash the berries.  Cook 2-3 minutes until sauce is think.  Fold in lemon zest.  
3.  Store in an air-tigh container and refrigerate up to 2 weeks.

Recipe from The Baker Chick


  1. Just made this using frozen mixed berried, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. It's relish!! Going on a lemon cheesecake with gingersnap crust. Yum!!

  2. Sorry, delish. Darn autocorrect!
