
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weight Loss- Week 3

Here we go, week 3.  

1 pound lost!  

I won't lie, my will power was nonexistent this past week so I was surprised when I saw a loss.  Obviously, I'm happy but it's important to me that I learn ways to cope with boredom or stress or cravings instead of just giving in to the them.  I know that if I want to be successful in the long run, then I have to focus on adopting a healthy lifestyle day to day.  Not just a "diet" now.  

My focus this week is to set boundaries for myself.  My biggest downfall is snacking and luckily, I don't have many options at work to do that.  So I tend to spend the day eating healthy and then I snack when I get home.  So today I stocked up on TONS of fresh fruit and it's sliced and ready to go in the fridge.  

Aside from that, 7:30pm will be my cutoff time.  I tend to eat dinner pretty early and then hit the gym after so 7:30pm seems doable for me.  Setting that deadline means I won't reach for Goldfish crackers after the gym while I watch TV.  Hopefully.

Anyone out there have any other tips for healthy eating?  


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