
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chewy Chocolate Sugar Cookies

Guys!  I took Rope Rage again and I survived!  I know!  So I think I'm an athlete now?  Pretty sure that it means I'm an athlete.

So there's sorta this weird thing that happens to me when I work out.  My blood starts pumping and it's like my emotions are on overdrive.  So something like a particularly moving commercial will bring me close to tears.  On a treadmill.  In the middle of a run.  In public.  It even happened once during an especially moving commercial on the Barbie brand (as in a "Girls can rule the world"-type branding commercial).  

I don't think I need to tell you what happened during Rope Rage when the instructor played Beyonce's "Girls."  I was overcome.  Luckily, no one noticed as I mouthed the lyrics and fought back tears while finishing my burpies.

Aside from the obvious mental issues I have, I think it's important we discuss Chewy Chocolate Sugar Cookies.  This recipe is actually a slight adaptation from an America's Test Kitchen recipe for Chewy Sugar Cookies which I've tried and loved.  Adding chocolate to anything is a sure-fire win but I was shocked at just how sure-fire winning-iest it was.

I can say with confidence that these may be my favorite cookies I've ever made.  The cocoa flavor is SO deep and they're really the perfect chewy texture.  They look so simple but they're really a satisfying cookie.  Many of my coworkers felt the same way.  So pour yourself a glass of milk and prepare to eat a whole batch.  Athletes need their fuel, after all.

 Here's the recipe!  

Chewy Chocolate Sugar Cookies
yields: about 2 dozen


1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon table salt
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar, plus 1/3 cup for rolling
2 ounces cream cheese
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and still warm
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 egg
1 Tablespoon milk (or half & half)
1 Tablespoon brewed coffee (optional)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1.  Preheat oven to 350°F. Line two baking sheets with silicon mats or parchment paper and set aside.  

2.  In a small bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.

3.  Combine 1 1/2 cups sugar, cream cheese and melted butter in a large bowl and whisk briskly until smooth.  A few lumps may remain but they'll eventually combine.  Whisk in oil until combined.  Add egg, milk, coffee (if using), and vanilla extract. Whisk until smooth. 

4.  Add flour mixture to wet ingredients. Fold in with a rubber spatula until all flour is incorporated and a soft dough forms.

5.  Measure remaining 1/3 cup sugar into a small bowl. Using a 2 Tablespoon cookie scoop, portion out 12 dough balls per baking sheet (or as much as your sheets will allow).  Roll each dough ball in your hands, then roll in sugar to coat.  Space about 2 inches apart on the baking sheet. 

6.  Bake 1 sheet at time at 350°F for 11-13 minutes, rotating half way thru, until cookies are set and tops have cracked.  They may look a ittle underdone but the edges should be barely set.  Don't overbake!  Cool on the baking sheet for 3 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. 


Recipe barely adapted from Craving Chronicles


  1. These cookies look so perfect and chewy Annie! Love them!

  2. Hi Annie! I just found your blog today, it looks like you have lots of great recipes to try! I was just wondering, do you flatten the dough balls after rolling them in sugar and putting them on the baking sheet? Thanks!

    1. Hi Jodie! So glad you found my blog :) In this case, I didn't flatten these cookies at all but you certainly could just a bit. I think they'd be fine either way but if you flatten them just keep an eye on them while they bake because they may bake just a bit faster!

  3. Thanks for such a quick response Annie! Since you didn't flatten them, I'll do it that way when I make them. I hope to make them in the next few weeks when things slow down for me. Thanks for sharing the recipe! Have a great weekend! Jodie
